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So why is this project different than any other compilation group?
1. These guys got together, with a clean slate to write + produce the EP in a mere 16 hours.
2. The EP is not available in stores.
Okay I know what you’re thinking. 16 hrs – either these guys didn’t put much into this album or they have really great writing chemistry. I assure you, it is the later, my dear friend.
Secondly, if the EP is not available to buy, you’re pretty much screwed if you want to listen to it. Au contraire, Watson. They are allowing anyone to download the entire EP for free from their site and ask in return, that you burn it onto a cd and leave it in places around your city. (and to document it and send them the evidence!) In addition, they’ve kicked off the game and left some cds in notebooks around Toronto. So, get burning and spread the love.
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