Tuesday, September 8, 2009


So all the talk today is the Beatles. (Pssst - their Rock Band game is being released today, but I will pretend that you already knew why) So, in light of that, I stumbled upon this article on NME for the Greatest Beatles track of all time. Think about that: The Greatest Beatles songs of all time. Thats a tough one, eh? So many hits, So many different associations in life:I truly believe there is a different Beatles song for any mood you could possibly be in. Certainly some are better than others, but I don't think I could ever rate them....or if I did the list would constantly change depending on how I felt.

But the votes are in. Agree with them or not, NME readers have decided their top 20 songs of all. So lets just count 'em down with how they stand now (voting is still open if you disagree) and, oh yeah, you have to put up with my little Beatles antics as you read. Sucka.

20. Get Back: Their first release in true stereo. RE: reproduction for sound using two or more independent audio channels through a symmetrical configuration of loudspeakers in such a way as to create the impression of sound heard from various directions, as in natural hearing. [Clearly I'm not that smart and quoted that directly from Wikipedia.]
19. Hard Days Night: The Grade 8 French camp [insert joke here] I went to reworked the song to be our theme - in French of course. Yes, I still know the lyrics.
18. In My Life: Grade 12 Graduation Song - I performed piano and sang for the ceremony. Who in their right mind would give me a microphone?
17. Penny Lane: Forever in my ear and in my eyes. I wonder how much this song has boosted Penny Lane, Liverpool into iconic fame?
16. Yesterday: Repeat of this song got me through my first heart break - my mom on the other hand wasn't so appreciative of the looping
15. While My Guitar Gently Weeps: Elegantly beautiful. It took Guitar God Eric Clapton to step in for the Beatles to finally believe in George's song and settle on a version that worked for them.
14. Help: Only a true man can ask for it. Especially when it comes to directions.
13. Eleanor Rigby: Leaves me wondering who she was.
12. Let It Be: Originally was not well received by the critics. To me, its so simple and yet so powerful.
11. All You Need Is Love: Will now forever remind me of the epic opening to Love Actually. Yes, I am a hopeless romantic at heart.
10. Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds: Is always where I want to be.
9. Something: The first song written by George Harrison to appear on an A-side Beatles track. Now that's something.
8. Revolution: Their first overtly political hit. Also, the chord progressions of this song have been a large influence in heavy metal.
7. Come Together: Beatles...Michael.....Michael....Beatles...
6. Ticket To Ride: I sang it in my high school dinner theatre. Seriously, there is that microphone again...why? I ask why?
5. Here Comes the Sun: da na na na...a perfect wake-up song
4. Hey Jude: I once sat with my friends on a porch watching the sunrise while one played the guitar and we sang our hearts out for hours. Turned out he only knew how to play this song. I know that neighbors loved it, despite the yellings.
3. I am the Walrus: The documentarty I Met the Walrus was filmed by my old roommate's uncle - Jerry Levitan. Far fetched? well I think thats something, huh?
2. A Day In the Life: Doesn't everyone want a Day in the Life of someone else, even just one?
1. Strawberry Fields Forever: Couldn't have said it better myself

Maybe way too commercial for NME, but clearly missing from the list is Imagine, debatably the Beatles song with the most impact. Other notable misses are Love Me Do, The Long and Winding Road, Hold Your Hand, Can't Buy Me Love, Eight Days...ahhh there are too many. But the tribe has spoken.

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